Current Issue : January-March Volume : 2011 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 1 Articles
For the first time, the influence of stress induced anisotropy on the third order perturbed Heisenberg Hamiltonian has been thoroughly studied. The variation of energy up to N=10000 was studied. At N=75, the energy required to rotate from easy to hard direction is very small. For film with N=10000, the first major maximum and minimum can be observed at 202 and 317, respectively. This curve shows some abrupt changes after introducing third order perturbation. The maximum energy of this curve is higher than that of spinel thick ferrite films with second order perturbed Heisenberg Hamiltonian. At some stress induced anisotropies, the maximum energy is less than that of spinel thick ferrite films with second order perturbed Heisenberg Hamiltonian....